Where I’m at. What I’m working on.

Hey there!

Well, these last few months have been pretty nuts and, for those who follow, I know it’s been rather quiet lately – not only here, but on the TWP-front as well. For that, my apologies. To be honest, this break after the semester has been more stressful and time-consuming than the semester itself. Well, if you’re bored and got a few minutes to spare this is what’s going on with me.

I guess the biggest news in my life at the moment is the fact that in December of this year, not too long away at all, Ashley and I will be having our first child. I can’t tell you how incredibly excited about being dad I am. Like, wow! This certainly wasn’t something we planned, but as each day passes I get more enthused and anxious about that day that I know is going to change my life. So how does that affect my work? Other than the obvious time constraints and added financial pressure any child will add to a situation, I’m looking forward to a heightened sense of awareness and expanded perspective that I hope transcends into my creative work. I’m ecstatic to embrace this new stage in my life.

Well with the little duder, or dudette, on the way, Ash and I have decided to pack up and move back towards Philly to be closer to the family. I think this will be really good for the project and my own personal creative work. Here in Indiana I feel highly constrained. The lack of community, things to do, and general dismal feel of the area does a serious beating to my creative spirit. I’ve got a post coming up on this how it affects the creative process on the technical level, as well as some ways to rise above it. In my own opinion, environment is key to being creatively successful. After so much time, no matter what you do, it brings down your potential. Anyway, despite working full-time once I get back I know that my time available to dedicate to portfolio work will be 100 times more productive back home than here.

Speaking of hurdles though, I’ve got one last one to jump before I’m able to head back. Due to some administrative errors throughout my undergraduate career, I need to stay on for a single class this summer to make my degree in English official. The class in question? Exploring the Universe with lab. So it’s going to stay quiet for another month or so but in August I’m looking forward to getting some serious work done.

And even though I’m taking on two part-time jobs currently, I’m still working on a ton of things at the moment from project-related items to new creative endeavors. This is what I got coming up to share soon.

A post that started out as an opinion on Call of Duty Elite has been reworked into a expansion piece building off my most recent post about Line of Defense from TWP. Catch all that? Breaking it down; I started  another Re: post focused on Elite building off a blog I follow. I wasn’t a huge fan of where it was going and it’s been sitting in draft form since the details on the service were first released.  Two weeks ago I was finally able to finish a post that I had been working on for TWP since last December entitled The Competition. I’m very passionate about community gaming and the topic of in game tools to stimulate the organization of gamers and gaming endeavors I believe is worth exploring. So this post coming up wraps all that together in one.

So, funny story. I’m playing APB:R a couple weeks ago by myself, waiting for @exzilea to hop on, and randomly group up with a couple of people. Ex gets back before a mission starts so I bailed out. But, before heading off I made sure I thanked the guy who offered the slot to play. A few minutes later and he messages me back saying the group disbanded and then asked if we had an open slot. We did, and he comes on to hang out with us on our TeamSpeak server. After some casual chat, I find out that the guy lives in the city and that he frequents my town often. And…he’s actually a cool dude! We had lunch the other week and it was a blast. One of those things that could have been really awkward, and it was actually surprisingly pleasant.

Anyway, this got me thinking on another crazy idea. Our meetup went really well, but how many of those kind of meetups actually happen or even pan out? Is it possible that some relationships are just meant to stay online? These questions got me started on writing the script for a  pilot focused on the hypothetical Warlords player base – though the focus of the premise is more on these kinds of relationships and how they differ in real life as opposed to being online. Kind of crazy, I know. But, it could be funny, maybe enlightening, and if nothing else – it’ll certainly be a fun ride working on it. I got the premise, plot, and most of the main characters all lined up. Hopefully in a month or two I’ll have a readable version to share.

Anyway, enough of about me and my craziness. How are things going with you?  Do you have any crazy creative endeavors going on? Maybe some unplanned surprises? Mind sharing?

Thanks for reading,

