Coming on back..

Hey friends and followers!

How has everyone been? Well, I hope!

In case you haven’t been keeping tabs, a lot has been going on in the last six months. I’ll keep it short and sweet!

As some know, The Warlords Project finally went under officially just before the start of the year. I’d be lying if I said we had a great run, but it was still a good experience and I treasure the time spent and those I spent it with. It’s just too massive for one man alone and until I have the real time and resources to devote to it, it’ll stay locked away. I do find it interesting though that a lot of the things that my team and I were conceptualizing is starting to be implemented in games across the market. Gaming is still my thing, it’s just different now.

The big news that’s been popping for me though is my newest assignment. I’ve been appointed the role of Community Manager (working title) for the Philadelphia Phoenix, the new professional ultimate disc team of Philly and the AUDL. I’m so stoked about this! I’m learning so much more now about SEO, design, and engagement than I ever knew before – and it’s a blast! So, along with that, my regular job, and taking care of the wee one (she’s getting soo big, by the way) I don’t really have the kind of free time like I had in college.

But I need to recharge! I’ve been droning on into a mindless routine that is starting to effect my clarity and I figure it’s time to get back to being DrShure. So I’m returning to the blog! Over the next few week’s I’ll be revamping the look and focus of this place to give it a little bit more purpose and function. Like I said, while I’m still very much a gamer, the focus is just going to shift slightly to some of the more profession-oriented topics of being a Community Manager.

I’m not sure how many of you are still with me, but I’m hoping to gain your readership back with quality posts, ideas, and step-stools to discourse. I look forward to connecting with you!


Too Easy To Lose Influence

As I mentioned in my most recent personal post, there has been a  lack of production efforts both here and over at TWP. While personally it’s felt like decades since I wrote/designed last it’s only been about seven months or so. A little less than my daughter’s lifespan. In reality, not that long.

In that short time that I’ve been arduously learning the ways of new parenthood my Klout score has dropped almost a full twenty points. In my prime of content production I was peaking at a low 40 and at the title of Networker.

Granted the service still remains in infancy, the non-biased measurement of ones online influence is a seriously important factor to those seeking a position of command and authority in an online oriented profession. People are putting it on there CVs and resumes; employers are making it routine to check a prospective candidate’s score before interviewing; and communities (net junkies en masse) use it as one of many filters to absorb new content and information.

The nice thing about Klout, and influence as a whole, is that it can fluctuate in either direction. Truth is you always have to start somewhere, and in this case the same goes for starting over. To get back to where you were requires flexibility, intuition. Seven months ago might as well be seven years in terms of Internet and technology so, get schooled! Relearn the basics, reevaluate what is relevant to the peer group, and make moves accordingly to become worthy of attention.

In my case it’s about getting back to content, criticism, and creativity. If I want to get even close to where I was before the New Year then I myself must become relevant once more. This can only be done by producing the proper content, making the connection, and then capitalizing on the connection to produce better content.

How do you get up?